Saturday, August 29, 2009

all quiet in hoodieville......

wow! its been almost 2 months since my last post! geeee, that's a long time not to bitch about something! ever since the police finally did something about hoodies, its been very peaceful in hoodieville. I find it interesting that the hoodie can stand out side my building and fire off a gun and actual hit someone with a bullet, witness' tell the police where the dumb ass went and where the wounded guy is and have the nerve to tell us, unless someone can positively ID the nitwit there is nothing they can do???? but!!! throw a few firecrackers into my trash can ( I was at work at the time), now we are talking federal offense! apparently the 9-11 patriots act say that will full intention of setting off explosives in or on govt property (my trash can is owned by the city) is considered a treasonable act and is a federal offense. for almost 2 months now the hoodies have been gone. I have had some really good nights sleep. I have been a happy camper, hence no bitching on this blog. School starts up next week, we shall see how long the truce we have going will last.

I finally got my ruling on the unemployment thing in July. Jesus.....I got fired from the orange box in APRIL and finally got a ruling in JULY. I got a nice chunk of change of back pay and was able to catch up on alot of bills. and guess what? the orange box has filed an appeal! good gawd didn't participate in the 3 way phone call in May, that alone ruled in my favor.
you were notified before I was on the ruling, and now you want to file the appeal???? interesting fact....they had til Aug 18 to file, they filed on Aug 14th. as slow as the system works in Va, my bennies will have run out before we get the appeal date. til the appeal date, I am still getting the bennies, I still have to do a job search online and in person and report findings and money earned from my 20 hr a week cashier job. I guess the big orange box thought since I got another job so soon they wouldn't have to pay VEC. ya guess wrong!

Speaking of cashiering, the first of the month is coming up. I dread it. On the first the food stamps debit cards will be loaded and I will have to deal with every ghetto and trailer park trash man, woman and screaming child within a 10 mile radius. thank gawd my store doesn't deal with WIC. Yes I know.....their purchases pay for my paycheck......but the 30% in taxes they take out of my check each week pays for thier SSI and ADC money, food stamps, Medicaid, fuel assistance and everything else they feel they are 'entitled' to because they be po' and on welfare. When my son was born, I relayed on the Govt for ADC, food stamps and WIC. I was not on it for long, less than 2 years. that is what the system was meant for......temporary assistance! Last month I saw 3 generations of women come in with their food stamp debit cards and bought better food than I can afford. All these women had their hair done nicely, nails done and wearing more gold that Mr T. After I got fired, I had applied for food stamps. I was turned down because I had to many assets, I own my own home and car. Yet I see women like this all the time and wonder, how can they do this without a guilty conscious???

ok, enough bitching for one day!
Ciao baby!
(mauh) Liz

Sunday, July 5, 2009

something to do the next time you are in a Walmart


I stole this bingo card off of another humor blog that I love to read. he got it in a email. he said we could share, so here it is:

now dont get mad or pissy at me if you reconize yourself here. hell I do! not gonna say which one either. I sent this to my quilting buddies, they thought it was a hoot. one of my buddies wrote to say she printed it out and took it to wally, she had the whole card filled out in 20 mins. if you want to print it out, copy and paste this pic to a email and mail it to yourself. then print out the email. trust me, it works!

Ciao baby! (mauh) Liz

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

things that make me go grrrrrr.......

I found out something very interesting today. did ya know that a store can charge YOU for using your debit card? yup! 2.5% extra tax for the previledge of using YOUR money. I received a email today from a pickle posse member (its a online quilting group) asking ' what to use for money these days?'. she stated in her letter, which I have copied and pasted here:

has anyone else been listening to the news and catching up on the latest in Bank fees, credit card fees, and debit card fees? The story on our news last night had me digging thru the internet today and I am stunned. Apparently because the Govt. stepped in and told the Banks and CC companies they could no longer do unfair % hikes, they are now gauging you in every little way imaginable. (not they weren't already) Take for instance today, my mom went to the local plant nursery to buy a few bedding plants. At the check out is a new sign..."How will you pay"?...what is that my mom asks...Well, said the lady, we no longer accept checks, if you use a bank debit card we charge 2.5% more, and if you use a CC we now charge an additional 5%, to cover the fees the bank now charges us for those transactions! WTF????? So I went back read more..and YES, now if you use your debit card, (which is supposed to be like YOUR cash) #1, the place you use can/will charge you a 2.5% transaction fee on top of your purchase and taxes!, #2- If you use it for small purchases, your bank can now HOLD the processing of that transaction until you have spent $100...meaning if you do not check your bank acct. every day, you might very well end up over drawn..something the bank will love, as the new OD fee went up again to nearly $30.00..meaning if you are just over $20, you end up paying some 3,500% interest on that in fees and loans from the bank....

I went back and checked 2 receipts, one from wally world and one from the grocery store where I work. sure enough! there was that extra 2.5% added tax for using my MC/check card. the kicker is, if you buy hot foods, they add on another 7% tax for 'entertainment tax'! I looked at another receipt where I had paid cash.....straight of 5% virginia tax only. aint that something? maybe it is a good thing that the goverment stepped in and told the CC companys 'shame on you!' and put a couple of laws into place. I have to admit that I saw this in my reciept a long time ago and didnt think anything of it til today. I am not even making it from paycheck to paycheck theses days and they want to tax the shit out of it.

BTW......I finally heard from the va employment commission yesterday. apprently the deputy in charge of my case was on leave and dint finalize anything until I made a phone call last week inquiring about the 3 way call that I had on MAY 22. Its been 10 weeks since I was fired from the big orange box and I have not recieved one dime. the deputy on the phone that she that I was fired unjustifiably and that she would rule in my favor. even though I have gone back to work, its still part time and I would get part time unemployment. so it will be another 2 weeks before I hear ya or nay on the benifits. its really pissing me off, I have paid into that fund for over 20 years and I expect to get some of it back. call me greedy, I dont care, I dont qualify for any of the goverment programs cause I own my own home. screw the fact that its not paid for and that I still owe another 16 years on it. nope...I have assets that are over $1000 and I dont get nothing.....
ciao baby!
(mauh) Liz

Friday, June 19, 2009

Its an conspiracy I tell ya....

Its an conspiracy I tell ya ........yall know about the HDtv conversion recently. I have 3 older TVs. I send off for my coupons for the converter units and got my son, beloved monkey boy to order them to be sent to his house. Coupons came last year, bought my boxes( all 4 of them) and set them to the side. I was in no hurry to install them. I am a quilt maker, not a tech head. In April when the original due date for the flip over was about to come, I install one. had some issues with it but it got done with the help of BMB on the phone. That boy has a friggin' potty mouth, haven't a clue where he got it...... anyhow....the reception was pretty bad. BMB said I might need a anteni on the roof. OH HELL NO, I aint climbing the friggin roof..... besides, I don't have the money. when I got fired from the orange box (see earlier post) the new job I got was less money and part time. my income was literally cut in half. I have no money to spare. Maybe I can trade a quilt or two for one. Believe it or not, there are people who still barder in my neck of the woods. I turn off the converter box and watched regular analog til the switch. sooooooo June 12th came with the big switch over. SURPRISE! the reception is clear as a bell! and I have 12 more channels (I don't have cable, never was in the budget, hell I'm on dial up!) 5 of which are bible thumping crap. I said to BMB I wont need an anteni now. He suggested that the analog and the HD signals were completing with each other. Now that analog is turn off, HD has it all. haaaaaaaaaaa, I dont need no stinkin' antei. think of all those people who went out and bought a new roof anteni so they could watch their NASCAR. its an conspiracy I tell ya, a motherhumping conspiracy.........
ciao baby!
(mauh) Liz

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Global Facts . . .

At Any Given Moment:

79,000,000 people are engaged in sex - right now.

58,000,000 are kissing.
37,000,000 are relaxing after having sex.


1 old timer is reading blogs.

You hang in there, Sunshine . . .

caio baby!
(mauh) Liz

Sunday, May 17, 2009

a little of this, a little of that!

just a update on my life and other nonsense!
the new job is going well, kinda at a impasse at my training. I have been training at customer service, easy peasey stuff. since its not my store, I don't have access to certain things and it cuts into my customer service abilities. I am not fond of several of the staff that is training me either. there are 2 women there who are 'do as I say, not as I do' bitches. I dread working with them. one of my pet peaves is being micro managed. everyday I have to face that and I am loosing my patience. cant wait to get to my store. we had a meeting there today on customer service and I finally got to see what it looks like. I'm gonna love my store! its big and bright and very close to home. right now I am driving 44 miles round trip a day. its a pain. grand opening is June 3rd, counting down the minutes people, counting down the mintues.

these are just a few of the hoodies, most nights there up to
20 young men ages from 14 to 24 drinking and smoking
their dope. I suspect they are selling it too.
the hoodies are acting up agin. last night, one of them decided to break up a fight with a gun. several rounds were shot off. kicker is, it was done in the driveway of a sheriffs dept deputy. how stupid is that? both of us plus a couple more call the police. took 25 mins for them to get to my street cause the police that patrol my area were tied up on another case and they had to sent in police from another district. one of the hoodies is believed to have been shot. one witness said that the wounded hoodie was seen being taken into a house on my street. I live in a townhouse. there are 6 units per section. one of the units across the street has been a haven for the hoodies. mommydearest who owns that unit lets her semi adult son do what ever he wants when she is not there. most of us on the street know that there are drug dealing going on at that house. the police know what is going on, yet no stake outs are being done and no one is getting busted. in Feb there was a shooting incident and the ATF got involved, once agin, nothing happened and the residents are getting fed up. I have lived in my townhouse (which I own) since '95. I have seen a huge change in the 'hood. change for the worse. but unlike the president (notice I said THE president, I dint vote for him, he is not MY president) myself and others will be making changes. no longer will we be inactive on the hoodie front. I will be documenting all the hoodies activities and taking pictures. When you are stupid enough to smoke pot and drink in front of little ones, you deserve to be someone buttbuddy in jail. The police are very aware of what is going on, they tell us that until someone comes up to ID the ones that are doing the trouble making there is nothing they can do. bullshit...... I have taken lience plate numbers! I have called police with descriptions of the gunmen. The nieghbors and myself have told the police where the hoodies are hiding......the problem still exist. I will keep yall up on the further adventures of the hoodies of dunedin!
Ciao Baby!
(mauh) Liz

Friday, May 15, 2009

just a thought!



I'm just passing this thought along.....Have you ever wondered if the one dollar bills in your wallet were ever in a stripper's butt crack? If not, you're wondering now.Have a nice day !!

(mauh) Liz

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sigh of relief!

just a quick note tonight, I have to get ready for my new job which I start tomarrow!
Finally heard from the upscale grocery store that I have been trying to get into for along time. They have made a job offer which I have accepted. Its part time, pays alot less than what I was making at the orange box but my size 10 feet are in the door! I finished my new hire paperwork today and will start training tomarrow. since its part time, I will still be able to get part unemployment for a few weeks. grand opening is june 3rd and Im sure I will go full time long before then. I am excited, its a fresh start and at my age, I never thought I would have to start over agin. I am back to wearing a uniform agin, but that ok....I look good in kakki and navy blue (grin). thanks for your good thoughts and kind words. I will be back to my bitchy self later this weekend !
ciao baby!
(mauh) Liz

Friday, April 17, 2009

good news and bad news!

I have some good news and bad news!
First the bad news, would you believe the blue roof turn me down for a job???? Yesterday I went to the mailbox and found the standard REJECTION post card from them '' Thank you for expressing interest in working for the big blue roof, but we have no position to fit your needs at this time.....yada yada yada...... Oh bullbutter! You wanted me to work in the garden center full time, even though it is my background. I went to Horticulture School waaaaaay back in the late 70's. I did explain I wasn't interested in the garden center because I am too old to deal with the extreme heat and cold. I was mainly interested in cashiering. oh well, YOUR loss!

Now for the good news, right after I got back from the mailbox and feeling really dejected and a looser, I got a phone call from another application I had put in. It for a upscale grocery store that is opening a new store near my house! I have been trying to get my foot into the door of this grocery chain for months now. I needed another part time job to catch up on bills and things but they had a hiring freeze (like everyone else) but I knew they were building a new store and it would be opening soon. The manager asked if I could come to his store this am and be interviewed, I said of course! Since I had 10 years experience with this chain's major competitor they were eager to talk with me. Interview went well, next thing I know, I have a job! woohooo! I'm not sure what I will be doing, they will let me know by Wednesday or Thursday as soon as the results of my background check and drug test comes back. They want me, they need to decide where I am going to go. Between my cashiering, customer service, bookkeeping, receiving and payroll experience I am willing to go anywhere! I can breathe a big sighe of relief now.

I picked up my last paycheck today from the orange box. As soon as I walked in, all of my friends came running up to me and said....we miss you! Good to know that I am missed. HR did make sure my vacation time was cashed out on this check. I will have something to pay bills and get grocerys with til I start with my new job. I am estimating I will start offically May 1. In the meantime, VEC and I will be having a 3 way phone call about unemployment bennies. I will probaly collect for the 2 weeks I was out of work. 2 weeks is better than nothing and since I have contributed to the fund all these years without tapping it, I should get alittle sum-sum.

Ciao baby!
(mauh) Liz

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

nothing yet

just a little progress report. nothing yet. HR at home depot FINALLY called me back about my grievence call. Its a done deal, I am fired. we all know it is bullshit. I wouldnt play the kissmyass game and I got terminated. I am 52 years old people, to damn old to play games. I requested that I am terminated out of home depots system ASAP so I can get my 61 vacation hour pay that is due to me. Management at store level can be spiteful and leave you in the system and make you wait forever for your vacation pay. I told HR that. I have already filed for unemployment and waiting to hear about the 3 way phone call to be taking place sometime in the future. Had a interview with the blue roof and waiting for a call for a 2nd interview, nothing yet. everyday I am on the puter at least 2 hour on the net filling out applications. tomarrow I will get out of the house and do a little grocery shopping. we shall see how it goes.
ciao baby!
(mauh) Liz

Saturday, April 11, 2009

happy easter! (snicker-snort)


No bitching today, I am still trying to get over the shock of being fired. I had a interview with the blue roof yesterday and it went very well. I am waiting for a call back for a 2nd interview. Waiting to hear from the local grocery store as well. This chain is opening a new store in june and they need office staff as well as cashiers. Did you know that you can sign up for unemployment benifits online? yup! I have enrolled and have to finish the application on monday since I applied online at home rather than the unemployment office. still havent heard from the HR of the big orange box. somthing tells me I wont unless I get really aggressive. If I cant go back, least cash out the 61 hours of vacation I have coming. Yall have a great easter, I will be going to son's house to cook dinner and veg out.
ciao baby!
(mauh) Liz

Thursday, April 9, 2009

hope you are happy now......

this post is addressed to the asshole who came thru my line this past Sunday at the big orange box. your sorry ass had a hissy fit when I could not price match lumber with the prices from the blue roof store. policy USE to be, the orange box does not price match lumber with any of its competitors. lumber is a COMMODITY, the prices change just about everyday. apparently the policy has change and unbeknown est to me, you could have gotten a price match. When I told you I did not have the authority to price match for the 2nd time, you yelled at me in front of customers and stormed off. I didn't even get a chance to call a head cashier or call a manager to get permission to price match!! then you came back into the store to yell at me AGAIN and to inform me that you were going to talk to my manager and tell him how rude I was to you. you claimed that you do a lot of business in this store and you were on a first name basis with the store manager. you dirt didn't even know his right name. you are a bully! you think if you yell loud enough and long enough to a cashier or store associate you will get what you want. really sad part is to this incident, you pulled this stunt in front of your son, teaching him its OK to bully females and then you had the nerve to LIE to the manger as to what really happened . well guess what motherfucker......I got FIRED!!! I am out of JOB. reason I was fired was '' failure to provide customer service'' what the hell??? it was only 4 pieces of timber and $4!!!!!!! was it worth the hissy fit and acting like a little girl? when management grovels to you and offers a small compensation for your troubles will you be able to get a woody without the Viagra? Its a good thing the orange box has an appeal process. there is a very slight chance I will get my job back, I may have to transfer to another store. along as I have a job it will be all good. I did get flippant with you in the beginning of our little chit chat only because you were trying to bully me into disregarding store policy. you had already asked a lumber associate if the orange box priced matched with the blue roof and he told you no. you were bound and determined to get what you want and started to bully me. was it worth it? over a lousy $4??? and here is the kicker......that wood you wanted for that price match? its now on sale at the orange box for the same price you were you feel like a real man now..... don't you have a dog to kick or something?
P.S. all this was captured on security cameras
ciao baby!
(mauh) Liz

Thursday, April 2, 2009

10 surefire ways to piss off your cashier

as promised, my list of 10 surefire ways to piss off your cashiers. I have worked a cash register for almost 30 years. my first cashier consisted of a cash drawer that went ding when you pulled it open and a adding machine. despite my bitching, I do enjoy the work. cashiering is mindless work, but its NOT easy work. your standing on your feet 8 hours a day. lifting , pulling, counting, cleaning, etc. we are professionals, we have knowledge of all sorts of things but not all things. so, with that being said, here goes.....I'm gonna do the david letterman style!

number 10..... Don't ask the cashier if they are open. They are standing there behind the counter or at the end of it aren't they? Is the light on? is the gate open? I will stand behind my counter, knowing that if I move to the end of it I will have to turn around and go back to the register. Not being slack, I really don't like walking back and forth like the duck in the shooting gallery. Also, if the light is OUT, gate is pulled or chain is UP, that is a sure sign that the cashier is closed, don't go into that line thinking she/he is opened. and don't get mad when they tell you they are closed.

number 9.....Get off your motherhumping cell phone!!! good lawd! no one is impressed with the fact that you have a cell phone! Not only are you being rude to the cashier, to the customer behind you and the customer behind them. We are so not interested how drunk you got last night or how friendly your date was (ewwwwww!). If you are in MY line, I will interrupt your phone call to communicate with you. You are on MY time, we are short handed as it is, I dont have time to be polite. Go ahead and get mad with me, your not going to screw up my metrics because you want to impress your peeps. If I am on the sales floor and you answer your cell phone in the middle of our chit chat and you turn your back on me, I will walk away. The majority of the people I have contact with do let their voice mail kick in, but there are those who think the world will end if they dont answer that phone. (whispering) I got news for wont!

number not interrupt the cashier while she is conducting business with a customer. That is just plain RUDE. Didn't your parents teach you that is not nice to interrupt a conversation between 2 people? if it is all that important (which is not, your too lazy to read the signs posted where products are located) at least say...excuse me, can you tell me where a certain product is? not.....where is this? call someone to meet me there!

number not....I repeat do not yell at the cashier for ANY reason! Unless you have fallen, your bleeding, having a heart attack or someone has gotten hurt, there is no excusable reason to yell across the store (I'm younger than you and I hear fine), whistle (what the hell??? am I your dog??? screw you!), raise your arm, snap your fingers ( do I look like your damn waitress??sorry, that is NOT my table) or stand there yelling and demanding to see a manager because I chose to conduct business with the customer standing in front of me who has priority over you, instead of dealing with your 'I am very busy, very important person, cow tow to my needs NOW' attitude.

number 6........ keep up with your own kids! I am not your baby sitter dammit! If they get hurt its on YOU. Don't think you can sue the store for money because your lazy ass refuses to keep an eye on them. And don't get pissy with us when we say anything to you about the kids standing in the seat of a cart, doing their acrobatics on displays or chasing each other on their wheelees. Most of us are parents, we know how kids can get hurt if left unattended. we see this each and everyday. I can usually tell which kids are the home schooled ones, they lack much social skills when going out in public. don't get me wrong, I think home school is a good thing. But I also believed kids should go to public or private school for the first 5 years to learn the much needed social skills.

number 5....... learn to read the pricing labels! Be aware that other customers do not put merchandise back where they got it from and when you think an item cost this much but scans another, chances are it was misplaced. Don't think you will get the lower cost, only time that will happen if the exact same product is on the shelf with old price tag that has not been changed to the newer price. Then we will gladly reduce the price to the shelf. If I see 2 products on the shelf in the same spot, I will look at the label and compare UPC code on the product and the label. Then I will know for sure what the price is. I too have gone to the check out line and discovered that its not scanning properly. I gently tell the cashier ( in a manner I would like to be spoken to) that the price is wrong and can we get a price check. I too have misread the label, and if I really want or need that product, I will buy it regardless of price.

number 4........learn to read the signs PERIOD! Don't ask us how much something cost when the sign is right there! Don't get mad at us when we point out a sign with the info on it. Retailers work very hard to make sure product is displayed and signed properly. Many of those signs a BIG, ya can't miss them! We cashiers spend a good portion of our shift doing price checks because the people are too lazy to look for a sign.

number 3......this one is for the guys. Do not leave your friggin' wallet in the damn truck! What is up with that? Your going into a store, you know your are planning on making a purchase, yet you leave to chance that some thief will see your wallet on the seat, break the window and STEAL it! Don't expect the cashier to wait til you go to the truck to get your wallet to finish your transaction. We will suspend the transaction and go on to the next customer who has their wallet. If you come back in the middle of that transaction, you will have to wait til we are thru with said customer. It always amazes that you guys do this. Not only does this apply to wallets, but checkbooks too! and keep a pen in your checkbook, we are tired of loaning you a pen and you taking off with it~

number 2....this one is for the ladies. Quit being so friggin' vain and wear your damn glasses!! do not get pissy with the cashier when you can not see the pen pad or the screen because you refuse to wear your glasses. This part applies to male and female, you do not look that cool walking into a store wearing your high dollar sunglasses. Do not complain that you cant see an item on the shelf, of course you cant, its hard to see product when your wearing sunglasses. especially hard to SEE the screens when your wearing them too. We really don't want to see your hungover eyes, but if that what it takes for you to see the screen so be it. don't expect us to be your seeing eye dog and tell you what is there when you are very capable of see it with the proper visual aids!

number 1......YES WE DO WORK HERE!! What part of our dorky uniform tells you that we do not work here???? The big ass name name plate should give it away! Or the gawd awful apron that make us look jaundice? Or maybe, just maybe.......its the fact we are standing in front of our registers processing a sale........

OK...this list is really a small part of what gets us cashiers riled up. please refrain from telling me that if those things get us mad, maybe we shouldn't be cashiers. This list is a few of the things that make or break good cashiers. I am GOOD at what I do. I enjoy what I do. I refuse to let a few jerks run me off like they have to so many other potentially good cashiers. We cant keep good ones because cashiers have to have a really thick skin. Yes, I know.....there are some really bad cashiers out there. I suspect they have job security because of the 'diversity' factor involved. If what I wrote has mad you mad, big whoop. Most people couldn't handle being a cashier.
Ciao baby!
(mauh Liz)

Friday, March 27, 2009

da hoodies.....


Let me tell yall about my hoodies. Hoodlums aka hoodies. They are a group of young men and women thug wannabes. Their ages range from 14 to 22. Mostly male, mostly assholes.I tried to get a picture of them to post but they have been kinda
quiet after the incident of the asswipe who shot off a .380 in front of my building, Valentines Night. now that the ATF agents are involved, things have gotten alot better. the police sit in the cul-de-sac just about everyday. after that incident, my son , poster boy for the NRA, strongly encouraged me to get my concealed carry weapons permit. He has had his for a few years now and with the hoodies being butt wipes, he wanted me to have mine. I took the class recently and I passed! Son takes me to the range and I get to shoot with his guns to get a feel of what is comfortable to me. I find I am happy with the .22 and my 'gun fairy' plans on getting me a gun for my birthday in Oct. I am looking at a very pretty compact .380. I have the right to bare arms, dammit I will!

For over a year they are being jerks and thugs. The police have been called many times, of course there was a lookout at the corner and when they saw the police they told their friends and the hoodies would scatter like the cockroaches they are. once the police left , they would come out of the wood work. they have an unusal way of warning each other. since most have cell phones, the look out would text them all when the police were coming. ah, modern technology, ain't it wonderful? (snicker-snort)

I have called the Police more times in the last 8 months than I ever have since buying this house in '95. 2 weeks after the Vday incident, there was a huge fight over owed drug money. about 40 hoodies were involved, it got UGLY. I called the police and was put on hold. apprently everyone else was calling the police about the fight too. 8 squad cars showed up and a couple of people were arrested. There has been peace on the street for a couple of weeks, gawd help us when spring break arrives. sad part is.....most of the hoodies dont even live in my neighborhood! they are coming in from other areas. It is all cause of the problem child hoodie that lives across the street from me. he is the 'leader' of the pack. when the fight over the drug money happened, he wasnt even home! ever since the ATF came pounding on his door over the gun issue, he knew the asshole who shot off the gun and hid him in his house and refused to answer the door, he has been behaving. he has a job now. I guess getting his water and lights cut off, opened his eyes. we have complained directly to the police about him, we are finally getting results. we shall see what the summer brings......ciao baby! (mauh) Liz

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I was busy today.......

took a gun safty class today, I am now qualified to carry a concealed handgun......heaven help the next hoodie that wakes me up at 1am.....
caio baby!
(mauh) Liz

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Self Checkouts

Today's rant is about SELF CHECKOUTS at your local retail place. As I have told yall before, I work as a cashier at a big box home improvement store. Sometimes I have to man the self check out station aka SCO. As a consumer, when I have just a few items, I prefer SCOs. Its fast, easy to work and I don't have to deal with idiots who grab a item with no scan tag or people who INSIST on taking 20 mins to write a check ( heeellloooooo, ever heard of a check card?????)for 3 items. It never seizes to amaze me how people are so afraid to use them. I have been screamed at, cursed at and belittled by customers who refused to use them. Its not rocket science people!!!! 5 easy steps!
1~locate the UPC or scan bars on the item
2~wave the item in front of the scanner
3~drop said item into the bag provided. this part is important, with each UPC bar code, there is a weight associated with it in the computer. if you don't put the item into the bag, the computer cant compare the weight to the UPC. then you get to hear that annoying bitch voice tell you.....please put item into the bag. if you don't, the babysitter of the SCO (moi) has to override the command and that may take a few seconds. if you try to sneak something into the bag, the voice will say, undetermined weight has been added, please remove item. this voice will also will come up if you put your purse on the scale or a child sits on it. yes its annoying as hell, but its to keep everything honest and on the up and up.
4~once you finished scanning and dropping into the bag, you hit the 'finish and pay' button.
5~tender your payment (cash, credit card, gift card, store credit and yes even checks)
there you have it, how to use a SCO. Learn it people! It is our future whether you like it or not!
the SCOs will not be taking any jobs, you still need a babysitter for them. when it gets real busy, there are more than one person there to help people. Also its our job to TEACH you how to use them. although......if you READ the screens and follow the directions its very easy. I have taught people how to use them in Walmart. thank you for your co operation in this matter.

ciao baby!
(mauh) Liz

Sunday, March 15, 2009

In the Beginning......

welcome to my new blog, Rants and Ravings of Elizabitch! I created this blog because I need a outlet for my bitchiness and sacrcastic warp sense of humor that tends to get me into trouble in the real world from time to time. I got the nickname Elizabitch in Jr High when I wouldnt kiss a guy in my class. Hell, I was more afraid of my daddy than the jr high horndog. Dad was a retired Navy man, you just plain ol' didnt go against his wishes.

today entry will be mild (snicker-snort). I will save the bitter stuff for later. I work in one of them big box hardware stores. I am a cashier. I have just about see it all. A future entry on the blog will be '10 surefire ways to piss off your cashier'. It will be interesting for sure!

Ciao Baby!
(mauh) Liz